Abena and "The Swan" - An easy way to make a difference"

- The welfare of the environment is a core objective in all Abena product development.
- Most of our incontinence products carry the Nordic Eco-label, which guarantees that Abena has taken every possible precaution to safeguard both the environment and your health
- Abena imposes yearly environmental audits on our raw material suppliers to make sure that production is carried out in an environmentally responsible manner.
- Production waste is collected, and individual components such as paper and plastic are separated and sent to special plants for recycling.
- We minimize energy consumption through modern machinery that produces no atmospheric emissions.
"The Swan" - The Nordic and European eco-label
The purpose of eco-labelling is a reduction of the impact of a product on the environment and health.
The criteria are based on an estimation of the entire lifecycle of a product, from the raw materials to the production and from the use to the disposal.
Swan-labelled products must not contain the following substances:
- PVC and Phthalates
- Perfume
- Lotion
- Skincare substances
- Medicin
- Nano material and fire-retardent agents
The Swan is an eco-label which was introduced by the Nordic Council of Ministers in 1989. With the increase of new possibilities the criteria will be tightened step by step.
The labelling is positive and relative. The Swan Label thus indicates that the products burden the environment less than other corresponding products - without compromising performance.
Abena is the first manufacturer of incontinence products which carry an official eco-label.
A green statement by Abena
As an international company dealing in disposable products Abena recognises the fact that we have an impact on the environment; this fact drives us to balance the users' needs with the environmentally best solution in a systematic wayand often there is a synergy between the environmental benefits and users' benefits.
An example of this is our new generation of thin baby nappies, which are more attractive since they are thinner and weigh less but perform even better than the classical nappies.
The minimised use of raw materials equals less impact on the environment in both the production and waste stages, thus is a benefit for the child, the parents and the environment.
Several of the Abena and Bambo products, are also labelled with The Asthma and Allergy Association Label. We are certified and hold a license for many international and national labelling schemes and observe the UN Global Compact.